
Two newbuild SWATH@A&R tenders for Nederlands Loodswezen

20 years after Nederlands Loodswezen (Dutch Pilotage Service Organisation) put the first of two 25m SWATH@A&R tenders (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) into service, the long-standing good relationship with Abeking & Rasmussen has been sealed with a new contract. A contract for two of the latest generation of 25m SWATH@A&R pilot tenders has been signed on Friday 18 October 2024 in Lemwerder.

In the past 20 years, the SWATH@A&R type of pilot tenders has proven essential in performing Loodswezen’s public task on the Steenbank pilot station in the approach to the Scheldt river. The two new SWATH@A&R vessels will enable the pilot service to maintain a safe and efficient operation. The new ships are about 20% more fuel efficient than the previous ships and will therefore have a positive effect on the carbon footprint of Nederlands Loodswezen.

Abeking & Rasmussen (A&R) has successfully concluded the tender process that started in April 2023 by offering a modern, innovative concept for propulsion and electrical power system. The sustainability and innovation of the fleet has been financed by the Dutch BNG Bank.

The latest developments of the SWATH@A&R pilot vessels are based on the proven design and consistently improved hull form by A&R which is allowing a safe transfer of persons even at severe weather conditions.

The new SWATH@A&R tender will be enhanced by new safety features and innovations within the outfitting details as well as setting new standard with an increased level of comfort for the pilots and the boat operating crew. This has only been achieved based in the trustful and open working relation during the project phase.

We look forward writing another success story together with Nederlands Loodswezen and A&R.


Nederlands Loodswezen (Dutch Pilotage Service Organisation)

Nederlands Loodswezen supports the approximately 450 pilots registered in the Netherlands. Registered pilots are independent professionals who provide the captain with advice. By doing so, pilots play an important role in the efficient flow of traffic through and the safety of Dutch ports and Flemish ports on the river Scheldt, 24/7.


Picture Contract signed: Björn Schlüter (COO), Matthias Hellmann (CEO), Herman Broers (Managing Director Dutch Pilotage Service Organisation), Pim Keijzer (Fleet Manager Dutch Pilotage Service Organisation)

 Picture Group SWATH contract: Thomas Horn (Production Manager), Björn Schlüter (COO), Toyah Kliver (Fleet Management Dutch Pilotage Service Organisation), Christoph Arndt (Sales Director Special Vessels), Stephan Schubert (Senior Project Manager), Arnoud Oosterhof (Nautical & Technical Management Dutch Pilotage Service Organisation), Herman Broers (Managing Director Dutch Pilotage Service Organisation, Pim Keijzer (Fleet Manager Dutch Pilotage Service Organisation), Matthias Hellmann (CEO), Uwe Kloschinski (A&R Consultant)

Date 18. October 2024
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